
So the other weekend we did a family overnight stay to Monterey, CA.  We had a free night at the Intercontinental that was expiring, so we thought why not just drive the two hours south.  Since Baby Monster loves the aquarium part of the California Academy of Sciences, we thought it would be a good to take him to the famous Monterey Bay Aquarium.  The price tag can be steep for a family, especially if you really can’t see the entire aquarium in one go because your toddler gets tired and bored.  But we happily discovered two things about admissions to the aquarium:

1.  If you buy a ticket an hour before they close, you can return to the aquarium the next day with the same ticket for the entire day.

2.  If you are a hotel guest at any of the hotels in Monterey, they sell two day passes for the price of the regular one day admission.

This was great for us.  We spent about 2 to 3 hours each of the two days we were in town.  It meant we didn’t have to over tire our toddler out by seeing everything in one day.  And we didn’t spend the $120 I thought we might spend to do the aquarium during the weekend.  Win!

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